Friday, September 3, 2010

Finished Product

Ben came through the surgery with flying colors. The surgeon was very happy with the results. He said there were no surprises. They piece of his brain that they removed was about 1.5 inches long and about as big around as the surgeon's pinkie. That doesn't seem too bad to me. One thing that surprised me is that they did not put a bandage over the incision. Ben will have a pretty awesome scar! The picture is a little gruesome, so scroll down if you want to see.

It's coming up . . .

Still coming . . .

Almost there . . .

Prepare yourself!


Alright? Is everybody with me again? We'll be in the PICU again for tonight, and then off to the regular Neuro/Trauma floor tomorrow.


  1. Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is ALL DONE!!! The description of that small part of what was taken out doesn't sound bad at all -- the remainder of his brain should compensate well. Soooo happy for him that this horrible ordeal can soon be a bygone memory, and he can enjoy life seizure free.

  2. YAY for being all done! WOO HOO! The picture wasn't that bad, I wonder why they don't shave his whole head, it seems like it would be easier. Wade was looking at the picture and clicked to enlarge it, and Gage saw him to it, so Gage stood here for along time clicking on the incision over and over to see it enlarged....guess it's not too gross for our house :)

    now...sneak down to the cafeteria and take the picture :)

  3. That was pretty gruesome. We are so relieved to know that all went well and that there were no surprises. We hope Ben will have minor pain and be able to recover at a good pace.

  4. So glad that he is out and that everything went well. Let the counting begin. Day 1 of no seizures! We love you Ben and remember, Chicks Dig Scars!!! ;)

  5. BTW Kathy -- Annalisa said Charlotte came over this afternoon to play with the girls. She brought over a notepad and pencil to write instead of speak. :) I'm going to call in the morning and see if she'd like to play with Ashlyn. The boys seemed pretty good when we took dinner over -- had a hard time concentrating at school, but I think that is to be expected. I think Charlotte will be very glad to have you all home soon.


  6. We all have been so blessed. thanks for doing the blog. So the question will be next year at family reunion, will Ben have long hair or proudly display his badge of honor.

  7. What a day you must have had! So amazing!

  8. Yeah! It is over! Hope recovery goes well.

  9. Awesome scar, Ben!! I'm sure your brothers are jealous.

  10. SO glad everything went well. Total BAD A** scar!!! Can't wait to hear how great life is without siezures.

  11. Kathy, I am so glad that things went well with the surgery!! Let us know if you want visitors or how we can help you!!

  12. Wow! I'm just getting caught up! Things are moving fast for you guys! I pray that recovery will move at the same rate! Know that you have lots of love, thoughts, hugs and prayers being sent your way - for all of you! Please let us know if you need anything!
